Mount and blade warband 1866
Mount and blade warband 1866

mount and blade warband 1866

The author apparently likes his westerns (and spoofs - several Blazing Saddles references are dropped, e.g. Instead, you go to the Old West, specifically Texas and northern Mexico just after the Civil War. It transports you to the year 1866 (go figure), however, this is not a late XIX-century historical warfare stuff. The mod, which I mentioned earlier, is 1866 mod. Anyway, I wanted to recommend you Bay12sians a mod I'm currently playing (for M&B, not Warband though, so some things are just not included - say, new anims - but Warband-style own kingdom making IS worked in). Well, it technically IS rolling a dice, in a way, I guess there is a randomly generated variable somewhere. It makes village troops cost what it would cost you to upgrade them to that level though, so you can't get super cheap troops that way (although you do still get the free training). In the submod I've been working on I adjusted much of the costs for troops, and have the training from your constable working so you can train some troops using the constable. And you can pick up mercenaries in taverns, although they can be a bit expensive too - the higher tiers are fairly cost effective since the high tiers are expensive to upgrade anyway, but the lower tiers are way over priced. You can even get bandits to join you if you have low honor, they're 50 per troop.

mount and blade warband 1866

You can also hire masterless men roaming around, although they can be quite expensive and lower your honor a bit.

mount and blade warband 1866

In 1.40 they only cost 10 denars, so with 100 relation you can often recruit ~50 tier 3 troops (which would cost you 8000 denars to train and upgrade yourself even if you had zero losses during the training period) for a mere 500 denars. There are a few ways to get higher tier troops, though - hiring from villages that really like you can get you tier 2 or 3 troops fairly regularly. So you need to be at least level 16 before you can start training troops, and then only from tier 1 to 2. In Brytenwalda troops start at 15 and go up to 29 or 32 depending on the faction and upgrade path.

Mount and blade warband 1866